Clarification On WWE Raw Women’s Title – Asuka Still Champion

Asuka is still the WWE Raw Women’s Champion following The Horror Show at Extreme Rules on Sunday night.

For those that did not watch the show or read our results, Asuka inadvertently spit green mist in the referee’s face. This allowed for Bayley to get in the ring and distract the referee. Bayley ended up taking the referee’s shirt off him and counted the three count while Sasha Banks covered the champion. She called for the timekeeper to ring the bell.

WWE posted a video on YouTube of Sara Schreiber catching up with Banks and Bayley after the match. They promised to explain the situation when they celebrate tonight on Raw. We have included that video in the player above.

Asuka was up early into the morning, tweeting about not really losing the belt. WWE released the following video of referee Eddie Orengo after getting misted in the eyes:


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