More Details On Drew Gulak’s WWE Departure

As reported here by CJ Blaze yesterday, Drew Gulak is no longer with WWE. More details have become known following this. His contract wasn’t renewed and it expired following SmackDown on Friday.

According to Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio, leading up to this, WWE was attempting to work with Gulak on a new deal that would have retained him for one year and at the same rate of pay as his current contract. Gulak wasn’t happy with those terms and countered with a demand for higher pay. When this happened, WWE pulled the contract off the table and ceased negotiations, allowing his contract to just end.

Apparently, there are no bad feelings from either side and they feel this was just a failure to reach an agreement. WWE has made it known that no one will be getting an increase in contract pay due to the current situation surrounding COVID-19.

Since his contract was permitted to just expire, Gulak will not have a 90-day non-compete clause and is free to sign wherever he likes. Plus, he can book and appear at indie events if he chooses.


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