Paul London’s brother, Jonathan, wrote the following on Twitter:
“My brother was one of the most talented cruiserweights of all time.
WWE. Ring of Honor. Whatever. If you know wrestling you know this already. I just felt like saying it to whoever is reading this and cares.”
When some fans responded thinking that Paul had passed away, Jonathan wrote the following statement:
“Wrestling fans, while I (might) have your attention:
Can we talk about the state of your industry real quick?
Last night I posted that my brother Paul was one of the best WWE or ROH Cruiserweights of all time.
You all agree (cuz of course) but some of you also thought RIP!?!
Yes, there’s a problem believing social media (and thank you for researching before posting RIP… I admit my wording wasn’t great).
But wrestling is an industry where people my brother’s age die REGULARLY. Not the NFL. Not the NBA. Not MLB. Wrestling.
So I should have understood why you jumped to the conclusion. We’ve lost way too many friends to this profession and for entertainment. It is really where my brain goes as well.
The truth is, this industry needs to take care of its entertainers and YOU ALL have the responsibility to make sure that they do!
Do not support companies that drive their employees to an early grave. Support a union and proper health care for these people you claim to love.
Stop watching companies that do not give their wrestlers paid time off to heal from the wear and tear of the job.
Where is the WWE off season? Wrestlers are getting hit in the head at least as much as NFL players and we know what that does to their brains.
Stop watching. Stop buying. And start voting with your dollar and your time for a better alternative.
There are companies trying to do it right & a big monopoly that is doing it wrong & has all the power to fix things but won’t. Because you are telling them they don’t have to.
If you really care about the health of the performers you love… PROVE IT.
PS. I called my brother this morning and the first thing he said was “what did you dooooo?!?” Hahahaha!

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