Kevin Nash Criticizes Current Day Professional Wrestling

Kevin Nash has worked for companies such as WCW, WWE and Impact Wrestling. So he certainly has a lot of experience when it comes to professional wrestling.

He has seen professional wrestling change multiple times during his career. He is not a fan of some aspects of modern professional wrestling.

Nash spoke to That Hashtag Show, where he explained the problem he has with the professional wrestling today, where he revealed that no one sells their moves like they USD to. He also then mentioned how wrestlers kick out of very difficult pinning situations far too often. He does not like multiple near falls during a match either. He then said female wrestlers have better in-ring psychology than the male wrestlers.

“Nobody sells shit. To me, it’s just like nobody sells anything. To us, it was always to sell and get the double downs and the falses. Now with guys kicking out on one on moonsaults…..I also don’t want to be the guy – I remember guys that were our agents when we broke in saying ‘Kid, we used to do 60 minutes through’ and you watch 60 minutes through and they’re in a headlock for 48 minutes of it. Everything evolves. I think sometimes the women have better psychology than the guys do.”


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