NXT Superstars Begin Leaving Cameo

In September, WWE made a rule which banned from using third party sites such as Twitch and others. The reason behind this was Superstars were making money on their own and the company seemingly did not like that. They were initially not allowed to use their real-life names on Twitch and other sites, but that rule was promptly changed.

Any site not owned by WWE would be banned and this includes sites such as Cameo.

It seems WWE Superstars will be leaving Cameo soon, with a few already leaving the platform. Roderick Strong took to Twitter and informed fans that he will terminate his Cameo account. Scarlett has also stopped using the platform. While the price on her profile states $1,000, it is shown as “inactive until further notice.”

NXT Superstar Emily Andzulis’ name has been changed to 1288594 and there seems to be no profile picture. Other Superstars also removed their profile pictures, but their accounts seem to be active for the time being. It is likely that will also change following October 3rd.


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