Update On Matt Hardy Following Scary Bump At AEW All Out, Reby Hardy Comments

Matt Hardy took a scary bump during his Broken Rules match against Sammy Guevara at All Out. Guevara speared Hardy off of an elevated platform, but the two overshot the table. Hardy’s head bounced off the concrete floor as a result.

Hardy was laid out for a bit while Aubrey Edwards checked on him. Doc Sampson intervened and the match was called off briefly. According to the announce team, Hardy told Sampson he was okay, so the match was allowed to continue. They went right for the finish where Hardy tossed Guevara off of a lighting tower.

In an update, PWInsider reports that Hardy was taken to a local hospital to be examined, possibly by MRI. Matt’s wife Reby believes he suffered a concussion as she shared her (NSFW) frustration with the spot on Twitter.


Stay tuned to WrestlingNews.com for the latest on Hardy’s status. Click here for complete All Out results.


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