WWE Monday Night Raw Results (8/03/20) – US Title, Shane McMahon, New Faction

Welcome to our live coverage of tonight’s episode of WWE Monday Night Raw on the USA Network. Please read our preview of the broadcast. We will see Apollo Crews defend the United States Championship against MVP, Shane McMahon make his return, a new faction and more.

WWE Monday Night Raw Results (8/3/20)
From Orlando, Florida

Apollo Crews vs. MVP w/Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin for the WWE Untied States Championship. Mike Rome did the in-ring introductions. MVP got on the mic and claimed he was the real US Champion because Crews did not make it to The Horror Show at Extreme Rules. Lashley got involved when the match went to commercial. MVP hit a lot of offense but Crews dodged a big boot and hit a cross body block from the middle rope. Crews got a near fall. MVP hit a German suplex in a counter but Crews was able to hit a powerbomb and pin him clean. Winner and STILL WWE United States Champion, MVP

After the match, Lashley attempted to put the Full Nelson on Crews but he got away with both the new and old US title belts.

Backstage, Crews spoke to Charly Caruso. Crews said he would give the old title to his kids. He said the title MVP paid for looks good over his shoulder. MVP took the mic and accused Crews of stealing his title. He wants a rematch at SummerSlam.

Throughout the show the lights had been flickering, with the announcers claiming technical difficulities. A wrestler was shown in a dimly lit hallway in front of the locker room. Tom Phillips said they were not sure what was going on but that it is the brainchild of Shane McMahon.

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Sasha Banks and Bayley. This resulted in a video showing Banks winning the Raw Women’s Championship. Asuka was shown yelling in Japanese after the video. Banks and Bayley cannot believe how unprofessional Asuka spoke. Shayna Bazler came onto the interview set and said she has been waiting in line for title shots so long she has her own problems. She punched Banks, who fell down and was consoled by Bayley.

Also backstage, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay insinuated to Kevin Owens they would be great guests on his talkshow. Owens said he already had a guest this week.

The Kevin Owens Show with Ruby Riott as his guest. KO talked about Riott not having a win in singles competition since February. She talked about shutting up Peyton Royce last week. Riott said it would have been better if Liv Morgan had been there to celebrate with her. Liv Morgan was introduced. He encouraged her to hear Riott out. Riott thought things were going to be different when she came back but Morgan was thriving on her own. Riott was not ready to come back to the world without Sarah Logan and Morgan. She was wrong to take it out on Morgan. She asked for another chance for the Riott quad to be stronger than it’s ever been.

Peyton Royce and Billie Kay came out. KO denied having anything to do with them showing up. They mocked Morgan by saying she should have stayed in the bathtub. They also gave it to Riott for being excited over one win over Royce.

Morgan said her and Riott are not friends like Royce and Kay but no one starts a riot better than they do. KO told the IIconics to leave so they could finish their match. Royce and Kay continued to taunt and Riott challenged them to a match. Royce and Kay slapped Owens, who asked Morgan and Riott for help.

Ruby Riott & Liv Morgan vs. “The IIconics” Peyton Royce and Billie Kay. Kevin Owens was on commentary as Morgan rolled up Kay for a quick victory. After the match, Royce attacked Morgan. Riott made the save and they hit a double leg sweep on Kay.

The announce team talked about the technical issues and spoke of a near accident backstage. Charly Caruso was shown backstage and explained some production crates were knocked over and were the cause of the technical issues. She has been told it was not an accident.

MVP showed up and was told Apollo Crews has accepted his challenge. Shelton Benjamin showed up and said someone stole his WWE 24/7 title belt.

WWE Champion Drew McIntyre cut a promo on Randy Orton. He said the title was handed to Orton because of his father “Cowboy” Bob Orton. He talked about his mistakes and even getting fired for them.

Randy Orton came out with Ric Flair to respond. Orton explains he’s made his money and is there because he loves it. He enjoys giving RKO’s and punting people in the head. They went back and forth in a strong segment that continued the build towards SummerSlam.

Nia Jax was shown talking with producer Pat Buck.

Kevin Owens was shown talking with Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott. Ric Flair walked into the scene. Owens and Flair and a back and forth with Owens saying he wants a match against Orton next week.

Back to the ring, Nia Jax says she is there to own up what she did. She mocked Pat Buck and ended up attacking him.

R-Truth ran out with the WWE 24/7 Championship belt. He was chased by Akira Tozawa, the ninjas and Shelton Benjamin.

Shelton Benjamin w/MVP & Bobby Lashley vs. R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa w/ninjas in a triple threat match for the WWE 24/7 Championship. A ninja got taken out by Benjamin, another in the Full Nelson by Lashley. Meanwhile, Tozawa hit a senton off the top rope and pinned R-Truth for the win. Winner and NEW WWE 24/7 Champion, Akira Tozawa

Shane McMahon, standing in front of a ring without ropes where two men are fighting, announces he will introduce Raw Underground at 10 PM ET.

Sarah Schreiber interviewed Dominick Mysterio. He said if people think he is crazy now, wait until he challenges Seth Rollins to a match at SummerSlam.

WWE Raw Women’s Champion Sasha Banks (w/Bayley) vs. Shanyna Baszler in a non-title match. Baszler hit a lot offense early on but Banks countered. Bayley interfered, which allowed Banks to mount a comeback. She hit a nice cross body block from the middle rope but Bazler rolled through a hit a backbreaker. Baszler locked in her submission but Banks fought out. A Bank Statement was applied but Baszler got out. Banks hit a hurricanrana and then kicked her. Asuka showed up and took out Bayley and chased Banks to ringside. Banks grabbed her title belts and sat down next to Bayley at ringside.

Charly Caruso interviewed Asuka. They rolled footage of Bayley attacking Kairi Sane last week. Asuka wants a rematch with Banks at SummerSlam. Baszler, in the ring, said she had an opportunity for Asuka. Banks and Bayley came back out and Banks said she would give Asuka a rematch at SummerSlam if she could beat Bayley next week.

Backstage, Angel Garza is with Demi Burnett from The Bachelor. Zelina Vega walks in and doesn’t think Burnett belongs. He tells Burnett he will see her after his match.

We go to Raw Underground where Shane is with men and women as they is another match in the rope-less ring. Back from commercial, Shane explained this is where there are few rules, lot of carnage and chaos, lots of things he likes to see. He shows off Babatunde Aiyegbusi, a 7 foot tall wrestler who has been with NXT since 2016. His name is Dabba-Kato. Shane tells his opponent he is on his own and Dabba-Kato destroys him.

Shane asks who is next. Another guy wearing jeans steps up but Dabba-Kato takes him out. The referee and McMahon call for the match.

Angel Garza vs. Angelo Dawkins w/Montez Ford. Out of nowhere during the match, Ford goes down in front of the announce table. Dawkins asks him if he’s alrgith. Garza uses this to his advantage, hitting a dropkick and kicking his opponent in the head to get the pinfall victory. Winner, Angel Garza. Dawkins goes to check on Ford but he nods that he is OK.

Andrade vs. Motez Ford. The announcers play up the fact Ford just collapsed out of nowhere. The match went on but when it came time to go home, Ford collapses again. The referee calls the match off. After the match, the referee yells for help. He is evaluated while Andrade, Garza and Vega look on.

Backstage, Murphy watches a replay of his attack on Aleister Black. Seth Rollins comes into the picture and tells him how proud he is of him. Murphy asks about Dominik Mysterio’s challenge for a match at SummerSlam. He calls it ridiculous but Rollins just smirked and walked off.

Back on Raw Underground, Erik of The Viking Raiders is up next. He hits a German suplex and knees his opponent off the rope-less squared circle. Shane called the move ‘sick.’ Shane eventually calls the fight and Erik celebrates with Ivar.

They show footage of what happened to Montez Ford earlier. Charly is outside the trainer’s room. Angel Garza, Zelina Vega and Andrade express concern and wonder about the title match at SummerSlam. Angelo Dawkins comes out of the trainer’s room, apparently Ford was poisoned before his match. Bianca Blair comes in the picture and wants to know who did it. Vega denies it and they brawl.

The Hurt Business are shown all wearing suits. MVP commented about how weird tonight has been and Molotov cocktails and she is talking about them not getting it done. Bobby Lashley asked if all this was a coincidence this was going on with Raw Underground.

Seth Rollins and Murphy came out. Rollins confronts Tom Phillips about Dominick Mysterio assaulting him last week with a kendo stick. Samoa Joe prevented Murphy from taking out Phillips. Joe told them to go to the ring and make their point or he could slap Rollins in front of his disciple. Seth continued to provoke so Joe took his headset off and rolled up his sleeves.

Back from commerical, Rollins and Murphy had chairs with Joe at ringside. Dominick Mysterio came out and attacked Rollins from behind. Joe went back to the announce table. Mysterio hit a 619 and dove off the top rope onto Rollins and Murphy. Rollins accepted Mysterio’s challenge for a match at SummerSlam.

Back to Raw Underground, Shane McMahon called a fight that was in progress. Dolph Ziggler beat a fighter with a rear naked choke. The Hurt Business showed up and Lashley quickly destroyed a guy. MVP went for an opponent and Lashley put a guy in the rope-less ring. MVP beat him up and Lashley threw him out.

Another guy stepped up but Shelton Benjamin took him out. The faction continued to beat up people. Shane told them they proved their point and are welcome anytime. MVP introduced The Hurt Business to close the show.


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