Alexa Bliss Opens Up About Concussions, Protecting Herself More

Alexa Bliss knows how serious concussions are after her problems last year and spoke to about it recently:

On her concussions: “Once you have a concussion it’s easier to get re-concussed and I found that out very clearly. It the brain, it’s not like an ankle you can tape up and you know the time frame that it’s going to heal – the brain is a completely different thing. It is definitely something that I am more cautions of but WWE set me up with the best doctors possible, the best neurologists, physiologists and everyone basically had their hands in on my brain. I feel a lot better now with the information and the education I was given when it comes to concussions because of what WWE provided for us and I feel a lot better about being in the ring and it makes me appreciate the time in the ring a lot more than maybe I did before.”

On protecting herself: “I am very fortunate that the team of doctors that I was put in touch with are very familiar with concussions. It’s been a long year but I’m happy that I was given the information I was because now I can be more pro-active when it comes to protecting myself when it comes to a concussion and be safer in the ring.”

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